Stage Ic Standard Treatment After surgery most gynecologic oncologists recommend three courses of cisplatin , bleomycin and etoposide or whole-abdomen radiation. Investigational Same as Stage lb. Stages II, III and IV Standard Treatment Depending on the extent and location of disease, standard therapy includes a hysterectomy , removal of both tubes and both ovaries, aggressive tumor debulking and three courses of cisplatin, bleomycin and etoposide. If the opposite ovary and the uterus are normal, they can be preserved in women who want to maintain their reproductive capacity. Whole-abdomen radiation may be given to those women who fail to respond to chemotherapy or who are not interested in preserving their reproductive function. Investigational Same as Stage Ib. Non-Dysgerminomatous Germ Cell Tumors These include endodermal sinus tumors, embryonal carcinoma , immature teratoma, choriocarcinoma and mixed germ cell tumors.